Thursday, March 8, 2007


At the moment , I am not sure what I am more frustrated at. the crochet projects I am attempting or my husband. At least with the crochet.I can just rip it out and re-do.

I have recieved a book from Amazon in the mail.I can't remember the exact title ( and I am in a pinch with time @ the moment) but is is something like expert crocheting ( alluding to the fact that a beginner can become an expert) I will get the correct title maybe tomorrow if time allows. Anyhow, I am attempting the Blue Camisole top in said book :::: and right now the bra cup portion resembles a BOAT instead of a triangle shaped cup. I swear I read and followed the pattern exactly. The strange thing is , if I fold up the bottom protion of the 'cup' It looks FINE. Maybe It is to be done like this for added support?? and they just don't mention it??? I am so lost.

I tried to start a tiny 'bag' when I met at the local library with a bunch of ladies for a knit/crochet gathering. I couldn't get the bottom of the bag pattern to lay flat. I am not getting a great average here. I have ripped the bag out twice. I don't really mind......It just is a bit frustrating when I have just made 4 things in a row with out a hitch. Such is life.

My husband was just on the phone with me, says I need to make a list of what I don't like about him and what I want him to change because ( his words) "I feel like we are not communicating anymore and I can't say anything to you without having to worry if you are going to get mad"

I am trying to figure out WHO he is talking about.

Just when you think things are going along 'ok' someone rips the carpet out from under you. sheesh. I guess when he asked me this am if I clean the house by what I have on the calander ( Today I had "Clean fridge", mind you that is the ONLY cleaning type notation on the entire years calander) I looked at him and said "Don't Start". He must have got hurt feelings.( and since when does he worry about making me angry?? ) Oh well. So I need to get off here, clean the blessed fridge, run vacc. and get the kiddos dinner make my "list" ,THEN I can actually get to crochet today. Thinking of starting another 'cup' and see if that one comes out like a BOAT also. Zowie. Some days you are the pigeon, some days you are the statue.

Maybe tomorrow I can be the STATUE

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